What job is best for students?

young lady looking at phoneThe Wall Street Journal ran an excellent article for students and parents. If you are helping a student find work or if you are a student seeking work, read this article. Things have changed, and the rules and ideas most parents grew up with no longer apply. You’ll come away with a new perspective and a better understanding of the market for underage workers.

Students, if parents don’t get it, take a look at this article. It may help you validate your opinions when you talk to your parents. If they don’t think it’s still valid, check the employment statistics for people 18-30. In 2014, only 54% of the people in that age range were able to find work.

You will hit a paywall on the article below. Still, I think it’s informative and worth a few minutes of your time if you have kids or you are a student seeking work. Most people have no problem accessing the article by just clicking on the x in the upper right corner of the ad and closing it.

When You’re Unemployed and Underage